A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Why do we
love polls and Statistics?
Every day we
are inundated with polls and statistics telling us how we should feel, and why
we should feel that way. I have to ask, “WHO CARES”. I for one am tired of
turning on the news and hearing about the next poll. Many years ago, and I wish
I remembered who said it, but it makes sense to me now. They said that "polls
are the invention of lazy news outlets". It’s easy to hire a company to ask
questions and then talk about the poll for days. In my business of Property Management in Orange County Ca. I go crazy when I read things about Real Estate that are just not true, but people look at polls and believe anything.
Statistics are the same; we
read stats everyday about every aspect of life. How many homes have sold, how
many people are eating certain foods, or how many people voted in an election.
Now I understand why companies like stats, they want to know where to put their
advertising money. The problem is when polls and statistics
that people read effect how they behave. Why is that? I think it's no
different than those lazy news outlets,
we as people have become so lazy that when we see a poll or stat, instead of
doing are own research, we hear a poll and just like sheep we go along with the
With all the
opportunity for getting information these days, there is no excuse for going
along with the crowd. I love it when people say that they are just too busy,
but they will spend hours on their phone checking their Facebook or Twitter
Lets look at an example of how to look at a statistic two ways. If statistics
say that 8% of the people who want to work are unemployed, that is a terrible
statistic. We can all agree that all who want to work should be able to find a
job. But why don’t we look at it the other way that 92% of the people who want
to work are working. Now doesn’t that make things look a little different.
can take any poll and any statistic and make it look any way you want.
If you turn on the news today, you will hear about wars, diseases, unemployment
and all kinds of other tumult and turbulence. The problem is that you can go back
to any period in time and see much worse. I was watching a Columbo ( I love that show) and it was from the 70's. A man in the show had his car radio on and the news from the radio was talking about the unrest in the Middle East. Nothing ever really changes except today we have so much news from so many different sources that it seems like the world is collapsing.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I know that people today have it much better
then in years past.
I was
reading this morning as I do every morning the on the CAR (CALIFORNIA
Association of Realtor) web site how pending home sales are down. It started me
thinking why this would matter to the person thinking about buying or selling
their home. Now to me, since I am in the business of Real Estate, this
information is interesting and good to know. But to someone who thinks that a
move in Real Estate would be good for them, why would they care about the
statistics. Now of course if you are thinking about selling, prices going up or down is a concern, but it is only a concern in your area not state
wide. If you are buying, it should have no affect on you. If you are ready to
buy and all the stars are aligned for you, why should you care about the
pending home sales? This comes back to my original point that polls and
statistics are affecting the the way people live their lives. I think we have
come to a point to where the activity of people is not affecting statistics and
polls as much as polls and statistics are affecting the activity of
people. Is this
really the way we want to run our lives? Why not just do what you feel is best
for you and your family and not care so much about how others are living their
Forget about
polls and statistics and just do what feels right!
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.