There are no Experts
How many people make their living being
a “so called expert” Too many!
I was listening to the radio and the
host referred to the guest as an expert.
The guest response was, “I am not an expert, I am still learning”. Great
answer. Everybody today is an expert of something. Watch a sporting event and
before the game is played all these so called experts are telling you what is
going to happen. Of course they are wrong the majority of the time. When it
comes to sports how can you even think you know what is going to happen? That
reminds me of a story I heard many years ago. There was a man named Chet Forte,
he was the first director of Monday Night Football. Forte had a radio show years ago and he wanted to let people know that there are no experts in
sports. Forte was an athlete in his younger years and then as the director of
Monday Night Football he knew the all the athletes not only in football, but
all sports. Forte also had a gambling problem and he gambled on all sports. He
was an expert and he lost everything. He lost all his money, his job and his
dignity. (The closest thing to an expert in sports are the Bookmakers in
Vegas). No one knew more than he did and he knew nothing.
The stock market is another great place to find experts, but they are
experts with other people’s money. How come they are only experts when the
market goes up? You see all these people wanting to sell you their expertise, my
question is that if they are so smart, why do they still have to work. Why don’t they
just use their expertise to make a bundle in the market? If their method is so
great why do they want to share it with others? That’s like Coke giving away
their secret formula!
Medical experts, Why do they say that they are “Practicing Medicine”. They
say that because it is an ongoing study and as soon as you think you know, you don’t.
I don’t even want to talk about political experts, that is just an
Yes, with all the experts in the world, is it any wonder that there are so
many problems. We are all experts on ourselves and if we stop listening to
others we will be much better off.
There is a great quote that all “so call experts should read and live by:
“Never become so much of an
expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning
Denis Waitley