A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Why don't we dress up any more?
When you watch a TV show from the 1970's you always see men in a jacket and usually a tie and women always were dressed as though they were going out on the town. Often when you talk to people about the old Las Vegas, people who frequented the town at that time say that the town was first class. Everyone dressed, no one wore shorts and a t-shirt in the casino. When you took a trip on a plane. people dressed and maybe even showered before a flight. What has happened? Now when you go out, all you see are people in sweats and spandex yoga pants.
I it does not help when some of the most prominent business CEO's wear hoodies and turtlenecks. I guess if they don't want to make an effort to dress up, it's OK for the rest of us to go everyday casual.
In my business of Property Management in Orange County Ca. I run into quite a few people in my daily travels and I am amazed how peoples appearance gets more and more ragged every day. Now I'm not saying that you have to get into your Sunday best all the time, but at least put on a clean pair of genes and a shirt that looks like it has been washed in he last week or so.
I also think that the lack of a clean appearance has also led to a lack of common curtesy to each other. Being that I am a Real Estate Broker and a General Contractor in Southern California I have a very interesting perspective of peoples attitudes towards these two service industries.
Most people think very little of the people in Real Estate and I remember when I first started in the industry how many times I was left waiting for people to show for their appointment and sometimes never showing at all. Even in my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. and also Property Management in Huntington Beach Ca. I have been stood up for an appointment. Part of the problem is that many people think it is easy to sell Real Estate and that Realtors don't earn the money that they make. But part of the problem is also the attitude of many Realtors who after a while can become jaded and forget that they are in a customer service industry,
Peoples have a sort of slit personality opinion of contractors, They don't trust them, but they seem to respect them much more then they do Realtors. I was never stood up as a contractor and I think that people understand that it is much easier to get another Realtor then another good contractor. The other thing I can say being that I am in both industries, Contractors for the most part are much more customer friendly then Realtors.
The bottom line from my perspective is that if we started to care about how we dressed in public again, I think we will start to treat each other with more courtesy and respect. It's a lot easier to treat people like garbage if we look like garbage