A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Update on getting your credit score
About a month ago I wrote about my bad experience with Experian, when I wanted to check my credit score. Here is what I wrote a month ago:
"I wanted to check my credit score so
I went to Experian.com and ordered my free report and score. I was mindful of
not signing up for anything extra, but somehow I did not realize that I had
agreed to a 7 day trial for credit monitoring. I notice a $14.95 charge to my
account. I called Experian and tried to explain that I did not know that I
signed up for the monitoring, but they were not sympathetic. I even wrote the
CEO, but have yet to hear back."
To Update you on My Experian situation, I still never heard back from the CEO, but I did get another form letter letting me know that they were still not backing off their stand of not refunding my $14.95. So my best suggestion to everyone, is avoid Experian. They care more about the $14.95 then an unhappy customer.
I also told you that I went Creditsesame.com and also received my score. Here is what I said at the time about Credit sesame:
"I did some research and have found that Creditsesame.com
is free and does not ask for a credit card. I just signed up and did get my
score. It was higher than the Experian score, but in the ball park. I also signed
up for free monitoring, I will report back in a month or so and let you know
how I feel about the service."
I am Happy with Creditsesame.com, and they did give me an alert when I had an inquiry. All this for free, I just get e-mail offers from time to time.
I Just signed up for CreditKarma.com, they are also free. The credit score I received was closer to Experian then Credit sesame was. Credit Karma uses TransUnion.com to get my score. They also have a very nice Dashboard, when you sign into your account, it has your score and other info that is at your finger tips. I have not been with Credit Sesame long enough to get any monitoring.
In my Business of Property Management in Orange County Ca. I recommend to all new Tenants to go to either Credit Sesame or Credit Karma and get your free score, before you fill out an application to rent. That way you can go over your credit situation with the agent, before you pay them to run your credit. This will save you money and inquiries into your credit.
The bottom line, is I am very disappointed in Experian for not being customer friendly, but the good news is I discovered Credit Sesame and Credit Karma. I would recommend these two sites. If I learm more I will let you know.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property Management on Orange County Ca.