A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Don’t let Christmas spending take
away the roof over your head
Christmas is a wonderful time of year
and there is so much to enjoy, The Christmas music, the Christmas lights and of
course the Christmas gifts. It’s the latter that gets many people in big
trouble. Spending for Christmas gifts can get out of control and for some it
can also get them out of their home.
So many people feel pressure to buy
gifts for people they know, so they over spend and put off paying bills that they
need to pay to live. The first payment before
anything else is your rent. You need to keep the roof over your head and being
late on your rent is a bad way to start the New year.
Being late one time will not get you
evicted, but being late to buy Christmas gifts is a poor excuse and you don’t want
to use up your good will with your Landlord or in my business of Property
Management in Orange County Ca. your Property Manager. I work with my Tenants
when they have a problem for one month and will wave a late fee, because I
understand that things happen, but buying Christmas gifts is not an excuse I can
be sympathetic with.
I know everyone wants to be generous
and give gifts to all the people they know, but think about it this way, most
people will understand if you forgo their gift this year, they may appreciate
it. If you give someone a gift, then they may feel obligated to give you a gift
and they may not be in the position to buy you a gift either, so you both will
be better off if no gift is exchanged. No one will think less of you if you don’t give
them a gift this year.
Being generous is a very good thing
and we should all try and give when we can, but being stupid and thinking it is
generosity is a very bad way to live. Your first obligation is keeping yourself
and your family safe and happy, then if you can afford to give a few gifts so
be it, but going overboard with your gift giving when you cant afford it is bad
judgement. If you feel you have to give something, bake a batch of cookies,
people will love them and that will cost you very little.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management on Orange County Ca.