A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Anti-New Years Resolutions
As the Year ends, we are all going to be inundated by people
telling us what we should do, to improve ourselves in the New Year. Many people
will set out with great hope that this will be the year that their “New Years Resolutions”
will finally take hold. Let’s be honest, they will not! So why put yourself through
the misery of the great expectations and then the misery of the crash.
Yes, you should set goals for yourself, but this time make
them realistic buy making the “Anti New Years Resolutions”.
You will not lose weight this year. Believe me,
you will save yourself a great deal of pain and a growling stomach by not trying
to starve yourself on January 2nd. Why put yourself through a couple
of weeks of pain and why make everyone around you miserable. Do not try and
lose weight, you will be much happier.
You are not going to quit smoking. Yes, for your
own good, you should quit, but a New Years resolution to do it, will not work.
If you ever do quit, it will be for reasons other then the New Year.
You are not going to get fit in the New Year, so
don’t spend money on that very expensive gym membership. You will never use it,
and save your money on those new workout clothes, you really don’t look very
good in them.
You are not going to eat healthy. Just like
going to the gym will be a waist of time, eating food that you don’t enjoy will
not last long, and you will just feel bad about yourself when you eat a good
You are not going to drink less Alcohol in the
New Year. After New Years Eve, you may take a few days off from the bottle, but
unless you get new friends, you will start drinking again.
You are not going to learn a new language in the
New Year. Don’t spend money on the latest and greatest method, it will not work
and you will just confuse everyone you try to communicate with.
You are
not going to go back to school and get better educated, It is great to do, but
you will not do it until it is a necessity
You are not going to start to recycle, so don’t
buy those fancy trash cans that say recycle and put them in your kitchen. No
matter what the can says, all trash will go into them.
You are not going to manage your stress this
year, Yes, less stress is better for you, but you would need to change your
entire lifestyle to change your stress level and that will not happen.
You are not going to Volunteer more this year. I
know you want to and it will make you feel great, but giving food at
Thanksgiving and making a commitment to volunteer are two different things.
Write that check.
Now that you have made these 10 anti-New
Years Resolutions, don’t you feel Great. You have success in accomplishing all
these resolutions and you did not suffer at all. Congratulations!
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management on Orange County Ca.