A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Do They Really think I believe Them
I am always amazed at the excuses
Tenants give me for why their rent is late. The best one is that they sent it,
but it must have been lost in the mail. This excuse is not credible and it is
not my problem either. I use a P.O. Box so it cuts down on the possibility of a
check getting delivered to the wrong address. Could a check get lost, yes, it
could happen, but why does it always happen to the same people?
In my business of Property
Management in Orange County Ca. I understand that these excuses are just for
buying time and I know that it is a natural reaction for people to try and come
up with a plausible scenario on the reason the rent is late, but as much as I
understand all that, I still would respect the Tenant more if they were just
honest with me. Just tell me the truth and I will do my best to work with you.
I may be able to help you, or maybe not, but I do not buy your excuse.
It is always the responsibility
of the tenant to get the rent to me on time and a lost check, as callas as it
sounds is just not my problem.
The last thing that I want to do is go to my
client and let them know that their proceeds from the rent will be late, or a
worst case scenario, not coming at all, so It hurts me as much as it hurts the
Tenant when the rent is late. I want Tenants to be able to always pay their
rent on time, and I do not enjoy collecting the late fee’s, but as time goes
on, it seems as though a late fee is the only thing that gets some people to
follow the rules.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management on Orange County Ca.