A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Should we really believe anything?
The past few days, ?we have been treated to the circus that is Brian Williams. His made up stories have triggered a frenzy of suspicion not only of him, but of others in the news industry. The question is what should we believe? In my business of Property Management in Orange County Ca. I struggle with Tenants that tell me all kinds of stories and I have become very hardened to their lives of woe.

We should have the same skepticism of all people in the news industry and really anyone who tries to tell us how things are and what we should believe. Most people have an agenda and It is rare to find someone who can keep their Ideology out of the story. As consumers of information we have to be vigilant in finding out the truth and that is no easy task. When this Country was founded, the founding Fathers felt so strongly about the roll that a free press had in keeping the government in check they put it in the First Amendment, unfortunately we have been let down by the people who have been given this very important task.
With the internet, information comes fast and plentiful, but much of internet information is full of false statement or half truths. It is easy to get information, but you really need to sift through and try and put together the real story.
I do the same thing in My business of Property Management in Anaheim CA. I sift through the muddled mass of information I receive and do my best to find the truth, Again not an easy task.
All of us need to be truth seekers and not gullible consumers of false information. Most of us listen to who we agree with, but what we need to do and it is very difficult, is also listen to people we disagree with and somewhere in between we may find the truth.
The bottom line is, none of us should be surprised by a major media personality making up stories to make himself look better. I am sure, now that this is in the open, more stories of other well known people enhancing their resume will come out.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.