A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Why do Tenants choose Eviction?
Every time I have to evict a Tenant, before the process starts I
explain to the Tenant how the process works and why it is the worst case sincere
for them. It is so hard for me to understand why many of them choose to go through
the eviction process just to buy themselves a few weeks of free rent.
I always give them the choice to just walk away and there will be no
negative repercussions for them, but their answer is always the same. “I have no
place to go”. The problem with that answer is that they may buy themselves 6
weeks, they still are going to have to find another place to live and they also
will have an eviction on their record, and to add insult to injury, if they
have a job they will end up paying all the rent back and then some.
I just told a Tenant that their lease was not going to be renewed
because we are going to sell the home. In anger, his response was that they
were going to go to court and stay as long as possible. I explained to him, what
a big mistake that would be and how it will affect their lives for years to
come. I hope they do the right thing and use the time they have to find another
place to live, but I have told the owners to be prepared for the worst case. I
hope it does not come down to that.
Why do we so often hurt ourselves with stupid decisions we make. All of
us do this in one way or another, whether it's to buy our selves some extra
time to pay bills or to not do something we really do not want to do. The
attitude seems to be that we will pay the price later for some benefit now. The
problem is that later always comes and the price is so often much more then the
benefit that was received.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I do not want to evict anyone and it is
the very last resort, but unfortunately it is part of the business and as much
as I try and explain the downside of eviction to the Tenant, many of them will
still choose to go through the process. I wish there was a better way but this
is sometimes the only option a Landlord has to reclaim their property and as a
Property Manager, as much as I detest the process I unfortunately have gone
through too many times.
I just wish the Tenants would listen to my advice.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.