A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
You need to keep your distance
As a Property Manager, It is important to have a good relationship with
your Tenants, but knowing where to draw the line is very important. Just like a
boss has to keep an arms length from their employees, a Property Manager needs
to do the same with their Tenants. The reason is simple, when a Property
Manager has to make tough decisions; the Tenant needs to understand who is in
charge and why they must comply.
All of us have a tendency to want to please everyone, especially with
people who we are friends with and their lies the problem. when Property
Managers becoming too close with their Tenants nothing good will come out of that. With our friends, we want them
to count on us, just as we want to be able to count on them when we have
problems. If a friend comes to us with a need, we will do our best to help
them. With Tenants, yes we want to help them, but when the problem conflicts
with our job of Managing the Property, if a Tenant thinks they are our friends then
they are going to expect us to intervene on their part.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim, Ca. The biggest mistake a Property manager Makes is putting a friend in a
property they manage. The likely outcome of this situation is, one, the
friendship will end badly, or two, the Manager will lose the property they are managing.
Just like lending money is a great way to lose a friend, managing a property is
also a great way to lose a friend and also lose a job. The best answer is just
don’t do it. If a friend needs to find a place place to live, help them, but
don’t put them or yourself in a situation that will lead to a personal
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.