A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Get involved, or be abused!
When people
buy into a Condo community,or a gated community, they don’t often think about being part of the
association board, but after a few months of being told what they can do and
what they can’t do, they may want to think twice about getting involved.
When you
live in an association with many other people, some rules seem reasonable, but
most of the time the association rules get way out of control and when you meet
many people on the board you find out why.
Many of these people love the power
to control your lives, and if you as a Home Owner do not get involved yourself
and have a say in what rules are being enforced, you live at the whim of
some self important people.
When people
are in the process of buying into one of these communities, most of the time
they really don’ pay that much attention to the CC & R’s. (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions). In fact in my years of
selling homes, I only remember one who actually read the entire package of the
CC&R’s. The problem is that if you don’t read them, you will be surprised
at the small, silly things that get people out of sorts. I have one client that
has a second story patio that is blocked by tree’s. They put their bike out on
the patio, and they received a violation even though you can barely see the bike.
Someone must have seen it and turned them in.
This is one example of many that
people go through in their daily lives. Living in an association.
We all have heard stories of Veterans being
told they can’t put up a flag, or someone not being able to even put up a
for sale sign when they want to sell. I even had a client who was told they
could not put up a Religious symbol.
In my business of Property Management in
Anaheim Ca. I have heard it all when it comes to Renters being harassed by
people on the board of associations. Most people in associations do not like
properties being rented, so they are much stricter with renters then with Home
The one thing I will say is that for
Landlords, it is not such a bad thing for their Tenants to be closely
scrutinized by an association. It is another layer of protection for your
While I am not a fan of associations and as a Property Manager, I hate
getting the calls or letters from the associations telling me that the Tenant
has violated some silly rule. From a Landlords point of view, not such a bad
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.