A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Big and Beautiful!
People have proven that they are in love with “Big and Beautiful”. This
may sound like a commercial for a new reality show and believe me, it is
reality, but it has nothing to do with the expanding waist line of people. No
the big and beautiful that I am talking about, are the size of the medium home
in this Country.
A few years ago, the word was that the "McMansion" was dead and the new
trend was going to be small, but just like most of the forecasts by the so
called experts, That was mis guided and the Medium size of completed homes last year hit a new record
of 2415 square feet according to the Commerce Department.
Yes the American dream is still to chase the “Big and Beautiful” home.
With all the talk about conservation and how we need to cut down on our use of resources
and as much as people will answer polling questions on how they are concerned
about the environment, that is all for show. The reality is that Americans love
to reach for better and better things and despite the loud but minority voices
screaming about how we are destroying the earth, people still want to have
comfortable lives and there is nothing wrong with that.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. The only time I hear people say that living in
a smaller home is their dream, is when they are retiring and they want to down
size. Most people who are of working age, work their way up to larger and larger
homes. As their income increases, so does their home size. As a Contractor as
well as a Real Estate Broker, I know that many people live with extended
families and need more room. I also know that having a larger home makes people
feel good, because their home gives them a sense of pride.
Now, this does not mean that there is no room for smaller homes out there;
building for first time home buyers is also a need that contractors need to
fill. Personally, I think that homes should also be built with older people in mind ,
which means single story, wide doors and wide hallways. If homes are friendlier
to older Americans, then they would be able to stay in their homes as their
needs change.
The reality is that there is room for all size homes and that need will
be filled as long as the demand is there, but Americans wanting large homes is
a good thing. It tells me that no matter how much the economy has made things
difficult for people; they are still dreaming and working hard to be able to
buy nice things for their families.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.