A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
The best feature in a home.
There are many things in a home that make it special and every home
owner has their favorite feature in the home. Some are expensive and some are
not very expensive but few features look great and also save you money.
I know this is my opinion, but my favorite feature in a home is the
ceiling fan. Yes, I know that seems simplistic and a ceiling fan to some is not
a very special part of a home, but think about what a ceiling fan does. First it
provides cool air without costing a great deal of money like an Air
conditioner. Also, it looks great.
You can have fans sitting on a counter, but
they look tacky, a ceiling fan has a look to it that is distinctive and even
though it is a simple a can be very inexpensive, the richness and warmth that it brings to
a room is amazing. OK maybe amazing is a little over the top, but I really like
my ceiling fans, and the one in the den of my home, never stops. I keep it running all the
time. In the summer, it provides great circulation and cooling to the room. In
the winter, I reverse the rotation so it blows up towards the ceiling and it keeps the circulation
of air going without cooling off the people below.In my business of Property Management in Orange County Ca. I tell my clients that if they want an inexpensive upgrade, then install ceiling fans.
There are so many different styles of ceiling fans. Forget going into
the home improvement store, you really need to kook on line to see all the
options. There are large ceiling fans and small ceiling fans, white ceiling
fans and brown ceiling fans and every color in between. You can get ceiling
fans for the kid’s room that look like propellers on a plain and also a ceiling
fan that looks great in the dining room.
Property Management in Anaheim Ca.
The other part is that your ceiling fan can also be the light in the
room. It pulls double duty, and you just need to have one installation. It is
very easy to install a ceiling fan, but if you are not inclined to do it yourself,
it is not very expensive to hire someone to come out and install it. The manufactures
have come a long way in making the installation, home owner friendly.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim CA.
I want my clients to install ceiling fans in their rental properties. Tenants love
them and they are a great selling point when it comes to renting the property.
No, I have never sold a home, because the home had a ceiling fan. Although I
did sell a home because of a beautiful silver plated wood stove and I have sold
a home because of an Huge Avocado tree in the back yard, So maybe someday it
will be a ceiling fan that makes the sale possible. But in the meantime, I will
settle for the look and comfort that a ceiling fan brings to a home.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.