A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Compromise, one of the most difficult things to do
All of us have our ideas of what is right and what is wrong
and we all have opinions, but some of us are more stringent than others in our thoughts
on how things should be. I don’t think that being solid in our beliefs is a bad
thing; in fact the world would be a much different place if people would not
have stuck to their beliefs. Some people will compromise on everything and
think that if everyone gets some part of what they want then that’s a good
thing. The two ways of thinking may be total opposites, but both have validity
in certain circumstances.
The most difficult thing to do is compromise in situations
where we know in our hearts that we are correct in our thinking. That does not
mean the other person is wrong, but we feel the best way to do something is our
way and compromising on something that we feel so strongly about may not be
possible. Forget about politics, those people only think about their next
election, I’m talking about all of us in our daily lives. Every day we have to
make decisions that may affect other people and it is our job whether we
realize it or not, to navigate our way through contentious situations. Some
of these situations are very minor and we don’t even realize that we made a
decision that was in any way contentious and others are more obvious, but
whatever the situation, compromise is always a part of our daily lives.
Let’s look at situations that we don’t even think about, we
just react. We are driving and someone puts there blinker on and they want to
get in front of you. Most of us without thinking will let them. That is a
compromise that we made that affected someone else and we did not even think
about. If we did not let them in front then we refused to compromised and again
our decision affected someone else. Simple, but that decision to not compromise
could have caused the other driver to miss their turn off and they may have
missed an appointment. Not compromising in that situation may not have even
been your fault, maybe for some reason if you let them in front of you, it may
have put you in a bad situation. Every day we make those kind of decisions
whether to compromise or not and we never even realize that it happened.
We make more important compromises every day and these
compromises are much more relevant in our lives, the most important thing for
all of us to understand is that when we can help someone and it may cause us to
have to compromise, but the inconvenience is minimal, then compromise is a good
thing to do. In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I understand
that I deal with people’s lives each and every day, and I try and get my
clients and the Tenants to compromise whenever possible. Sometimes I can’t make
that happen and one side and sometimes even both side come out on the short
To me and believe me, I go through the same emotions that
everyone else does, compromise can be very difficult because of our egos and as
human beings that is something that is very difficult to control. There is not
always an easy answer and unfortunately compromise will go on being a very difficult but relevant
part of our lives.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.