A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
The California water
I have been hearing about
a water crisis most of my life as a California Native. The politicians scream
about saving water then you see millions of gallons of water in Los Angeles
going down the drain as the old pipes are bursting all over the place, and then
they found Riverside City Council member Mike Soubirous
"in July voted to impose tough new water conservation rules in this desert
city of 317,000. Yet as California's drought worsened from 2012 to 2013, he
consumed enough water to supply eight California households," the center
Water waste was found in the billings for about eight other California
officials who used more than 1,100 gallons of water a day—triple the state
average use for a single-family home. The center faced challenges in getting
records from all utilities, so many leaders escaped scrutiny.
Why should any of us take what these people say seriously and instead of wasting
billions on a non high speed rail that will never be completed? Why don’t they
spend the money building a pipeline to get plenty of water for the state? The
real problem is not the people using too much water; it is the crack pots who
govern the once golden State.
California used to be a State that people looked at as a success and now the
only reason people want to live here is the weather. Somehow this State lost its
way, maybe the Sun baked our brains but when you get an old retread like Jerry
Brown for two terms and he followed the old terminator who tried at first to do
some good things but then when he realized he was making enemies he turned to
global warming to make friends, and did nothing to help the state. And before
Arnold, we had the ghost of them all Grey Davis, his politics were more frail
then he looked and he was kicked out of office, but not before he gave away the
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I worry about where California
is going to end up. The politicians spend
all their time worrying about plastic bags and they need to solve the water situation
and asking people not to flush their toilets is not a plan, it’s a feel good
The people of California get what they vote for, being that I am in Southern
California and most of the politicians in high office are from Northern
California, from the Governor to the Two Senators in Washington, The focus in
never on us in the southern part of the State. Maybe it’s time to break up the
State and that way the politicians will be more responsive to all the people.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.