A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
If you can’t control it, don’t sweat it
I love reading those lists that tell you how certain people
react in certain situations, and also what makes all of us better people. There
are so many self help books out there and they all say basically the same
thing, but the one piece of advice that makes the most sense and all the books
say it, “Don’t worry about things you have no control over” and the reason all
the books have that quote in it, is that it makes so much sense,
All of us try and control situations and we worry about
everything, but if we could get into our heads to not worry about things we can’t
control, we would cut out about 40% of what we worry about.
Think about all the
things you worry about in the course of a day and then think about what you
could do that would make a difference in any of those situations. In much of
those cases, what ever you do the situation you are so worried about will not
be affected.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I try
and not worry about the things that I have no control over. For example, there
is a property that I am going to sell, but the Tenants need to
move out at the end of their Lease, the big question is will they move without
any problem. I hope so and the owners are very upset and I tell them all the
time, that worrying about the situation will not change the situation. If the tenant
decides not to move out on time then we will need to address the situation, other
than that our hands are tied.
Most of the time, it we just let things play out, everything
will work out, as Jesus once said, “will any amount of worry add one second
to your life” now that probably is not an exact quote but the point is true. You
can worry all you want about things that you can’t control and noting will
change for good or for bad.
Now it is easy to tell people not to worry and I wish I
could follow that advice, but as human beings we do worry and the best we can do
is try and realize that worry will not help anyone especially ourselves.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.