A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Can you keep the emotion out of it
There are many people who want to
make money in Real Estate, but the one thing that holds them back is that they
can’t keep the emotion out of the deal. I have talked about it many times, but
I don’t think it can be said enough, the only way to make a good deal for
anything is to be able to walk away from the deal. If you find that you can’t walk
away, then you will not get a good deal.
People who make deals for a living
can tell if you are too emotionally invested in a deal, and once that happens,
they know that they have you where they want you.
I understand that when you
are selling your personal residence, that you would have an emotional
attachment to it, but if you are selling investment property, there is no
reason to have any emotion in the deal. If you do, then do not be an investor,
or at least don’t try and sell properties at a profit.
In my business of Property
Management in Anaheim Ca. I always tell my clients that they need to keep their
distance from the property and let me handle all issues that come up. I find
that when a Landlord hires me, but still wants to be a hands on owner, then it is
time for me to walk away. I can’t do my job if I am dealing with an owner who is
emotionally attached to not only the property, but emotionally attached to
keeping their hands on the property.
Dealing with emotion is a very trick
undertaking. I am able to do that when I sell a property and the owner is emotionally
attached to the property, but it is almost impossible to deal with an
emotionally attached landlord, because I will never be able to create and
understanding with the Tenant if I am always being undermined by the owner of
the property.
Emotions can be a very good thing
in the right circumstance, and it can even be beneficial, but in a business
situation, most of the time, Emotions will get in the way of doing the right
thing and making the best deal. I find that it is impossible for me to make and
emotional owner understand what they should be doing. They always seem to think
that they know best and even though they hired me, they will take advice from
everyone else other than me.
As a realtor, I have learned
through the years that if someone is complaining about their Realtor that they
are using for a transaction, and they want to get some input from me, I will
never participate in that conversation, because they should be talking to the
Realtor they are in business with, but many people want to get advice from
everyone they can and that will undermine the Realtor that they should be
confiding with. Emotional people have a tendency
to want to get comfort from as many sources as they possibly can and they will
never be satisfied, even once the deal is done.
Again, I understand emotions and
in the right circumstance they are appropriate, but in a business transaction,
they need to be kept under control.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County