A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Don’t Do It!
Spending money to fix up your home is a great thing to do
and when the project is done, there is a very satisfying feeling that you will have
that your home feels like a new home. New homes don’t all have that new home
smell like cars do, but every person who has remolded their home knows the
feeling of satisfaction and pride of what has been done.
I understand wanting to clean up a home when you are getting
ready to sell, but I say this all the time to my clients, do not spend a lot of
money fixing up a home to sell. I never understood people who are willing to
spend a fortune on a home that they are about to sell, when they never spent a
dime while they were living there.
“Don’t Do It” I am amazed at how many of my
clients get very uncomfortable when I tell them I want to put their home on the
market without doing any work other than a good cleaning, in fact many fight me
on the matter to the extent that they refuse to listen to me.
I always go back the story about the home in Huntington
Beach that had not been fixed up in years. I was competing with a realtor who
wanted the owner to spend $25,000 on the home before they put it on the market
and then wanted to list the property at $750,000. I told the owner not to spend
a dime on the property and I would list it at $850,000. I received the listing
and we spent no money fixing it up and I did list it at $850,000 and ended up
selling it for $805,000. That is a profit from the other realtor of $80,000 for
the owner.
The moral of the story is that people who want to buy your
home are not buying it because of your decorating taste, they are buying if
because they have their own agenda and they would rather you discount the home
some rather then you spend money fixing it up to your desire and then charging
them for it at a higher selling price.
Think about that for a minute, most people
would rather save some money and fix up the home themselves and do it to their
taste and at their budget rather than yours.
When people fix up a home they are going to sell, they think
that they are going to recoup the money they spend and then some, but in my
business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. That is just not true, you do
not recoup money that you spend fixing up your home, and you should only spend
money fixing your home when you are going to be able to enjoy it and not to
make money, because you will be disappointed.
The next time you want to sell your home and a Realtor wants
you to spend money fixing the home, tell them you will, but it will come out of
their commission and then see if they still feel the same way.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County