A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
You can make due with little
I talk so much about the size of homes and how people get
bogged down with the square footage of a house. I was reading an article about
a woman who made a very nice home out of 800 square Feet.
Here is the floor plan, and you can see how this home is
designed. The living room also is used as an office has the most space. The
kitchen is small and the bedroom is off the dining area, but you can see how
you can make things work if you just use your imagination and creativity.
As you can see by this picture of the living room, the decor
is very nice, the office by the window is a creative way to combine living space with practical use space and from the picture you would never think that this is only an
800 square foot home.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca, I see
people living in some small condos and they make due. Now if you like to
entertain and have big parties, a small home probably will not be a good fit,
but if you are looking for a roof over your head, you can make a small space
seem very nice and cozy.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County