A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Do we know it all?
I find it amusing when people believe that they know
everything about a subject and there is nothing left to talk about, that is absurd
and that attitude should never be taken seriously. I always like to ask
questions even when I think I know the answer and I am always amazed how much I
don’t know.
One of the properties I manage had a Bee infestation the
other day, so I called a company to take care of the problem. The woman that I
was talking to was very nice and in their ad, they say that they make their own
honey, so I was interested about it and that question about the honey took our
conversation to all kinds of information about Bee’s that I ever knew. I did not
know that Bee’s did not hear well but they felt vibrations and she also told me
about how they collected Bee’s and rented land from farmers to make the honey.
The point is that without the question about the Honey, I would have missed out
on many other the other bits of information that I learned.
My curiosity helped with the Bee information, but so many
people are not curious about things and they only seem to hear themselves talk
and fail to hear others, so their ability to learn is very limited.
With the
growth of the internet, people seem to be experts at everything. They read a
story and now they know the truth even though the majority of stuff we read on
the internet is filled with half truths at best.
I think that the most frustrating thing is when people fail
to reach out from their own way of doing things and try and find new ways.
Think of Edison, who said, "I haven't failed. I've simply found 10,000
ways that do not work." I love this quote, because it reminds me of
myself, I am always finding ways that do not work and I never stop failing just
looking for the one thing that works out and when it happens, it feels great.
In the title I asked, “Do we know it All?” And this answer is
easy, we know very little, but we think we know it all.
In my business of
Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I am learning and trying new ways to be a
better manager every day and I know that I will never know it all because
things constantly change and we need to continue to search in order to stay on
top of the changes. When we stop learning, it does not mean we know it all, it
just means we have gotten lazy.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County