A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
day brings the nation down
When tax day approaches, the
American people go crazy getting those records out of the drawers and glove
compartments and try and get to the tax man in time for the deadline, but is
this really the way the founders of this country imagined it.
When this country was started
there was no income tax and there should not be today. I think everyone would
be much happier with a National Sales tax, that way you only get taxed for what
you buy, and people with a lot of money always buy more so they will again pay
more and that always make certain folks happy.
Just imagine being able to keep
what you earn and then decide what you want to buy, would that not be the best
thing for everyone. I understand that in greedy States like I live, California,
we would also have a state tax, but people would be able to decide where they
want to live and if they are willing to pay a state tax.
Now I know this type of change
would be hard to get used to and the politicians will be against this because
they love to control our lives, but if we really want to be able to control our
finances, this type of control over our taxes would be a great start.
I always laugh at people who think
that getting a tax refund is great thing, but when I tell them that they have
only let the Government keep their money tax free and then give it back to them
they get a little depressed. Withholding taxes are a great way for the
government to take money from people and they don’t even realize it. Most
people have the idea that this money does not belong to them and they are
getting some kind of gift when they get a refund.
In my business of Property
Management in Anaheim Ca. I talk to people all the time who wait for their tax
return and they have all kinds of plans for it. If they just were able to keep
that money during the course of the year, they would never waist the money
like they do when they get it back in a lump sum. They treat this money like
they found it on the side of the road and it is just extra cash.
I realize that my dream of this type
of tax policy may not take place in my lifetime, but I hope that future
Americans can take control over their money and take control over their
Government and the only way to do that is to manage how they get your money.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County