A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Getting someone to see it your way
Have you ever tried to get someone to see something your way?
It can be frustrating and in the end there is a good chance you will not be
successful especially if you lose your cool. It is very difficult to understand
why people don’t agree with you, especially when you know you are right, but
getting in someone’s face is not a way to persuade, it is a way to make the
divide wider.
When I see people protesting and chanting silly slogans, my
first reaction is, “go away” but if someone tries to convince me with logic and
a good argument then I will listen. The best way to persuade or even get someone
to do something is to allow them the chance to want to either change their mind
or change their activity. Force is rarely a way to get someone to do anything,
because we all have a natural distain for bullies and the tactics they use.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I
always try and persuade both my Tenants and my clients to do things the right
way and the best way for me to do that is to explain to them, why they should
do it my way. Many times they don’t listen and I have to admit, it frustrates
me, but I still try to convince them with facts and not let my frustration turn
to anger.
Think about things in your own life and how hard it is for
you to change your mind about beliefs you have or how hard it is for you to change
your activity. All of us have beliefs on how things are and beliefs how things
should be done and when someone tries to bully us to get us to change how we
believe or how we act, we become defensive. But if someone tries to persuade us
with logic and facts, we may be much more open to at least listen and consider
their argument.
Always remember, that if you have a good argument and facts
behind you, the best way to persuade is to get people to listen and not try and
yell your way to success. If you just stop and think about your approach, you
will become a much more persuasive person.
Getting someone to do something is much easier if they want to and your argument must convince them to want to.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County