A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
There are things you just can’t control
In the Real Estate business, a Realtor tries to control all
aspects of a transaction and when they can’t, they worry. I learned early on
that there is one aspect of the transaction that can’t be controlled,
especially these days and that’s the appraisal once a home is sold.
When I was first
learning about the Real Estate business, the manager in the office at the time
was asked about the appraisal and he said that a Realtors job was to get the
best price they could for the home and there is nothing you can do about the
appraisal. He was a useless manager, but in this case he was right. When a
Realtor takes a listing they have an obligation to market the home and do
everything they can to get the most money out of the home for their client.
Pushing the market is the only way prices will go up and if a Realtor just
prices a property to sell in order to make a quick buck fast they are not doing
their job unless their client asked them to market it to sell quickly.
I am in a transaction now and I am waiting for the
appraisal, the home sold $15,000 higher than the last home in the area and my
clients are worried about the appraisal. I can’t worry, because I have no
control and I feel that I did my job in pushing the price of the market and
getting the most for the home I can.
The best Realtors are the ones that stay calm and try and
keep both sides calm, the Realtors who fold with the first sign of trouble
should get out of the business.
When I was a very new Realtor, I was in a
transaction with a Realtor that I knew, and a few things started to go wrong
and he folded quickly, I had to challenge him at every turn, in the end, I got
the transaction done and he basically abandoned his client. I was amazed at his
actions and I never did another transaction with him again. Now he has become
a very successful agent, I just hope he learned something from that
Realtors need to be many things and the most important is a
trouble solver. Realtors should not worry about what they can’t control. But they
need to deal with things they can.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County