A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Happy to help
I received a call the other day from an appraiser and he
wanted to talk to me about a property that I had recently sold and was pending.
He was appraising a home in the area and he was working to get a correct
I was surprised to get the call, but also I felt good that
an appraiser was so concerned about doing his job and wanting to give the
property every chance to make the number needed to get the sale closed.
Of course, the reason he was calling was that he was having
trouble getting the comps he needed to be able to justify the price that the property
was sold for. I felt it was my obligation to do what I could to help my fellow
Realtor, whoever they were, so I told the appraiser everything I could in order
to help.
We had a real good conversation and I hope that every appraiser is as conscientious
as this appraiser. We talked about what they look for and how a Realtor could
help. We also talked about the resistance of some appraisers to even talk to
Realtors about the property they are appraising. The appraiser who appraised
the property I sold took my information and I have no idea if he looked at it or
not but my appraisal came in where I needed it, so I was very happy.
Getting back to the appraiser who called me, I don’t know if
I was able to help him, but I was very happy to give him all the information
that he needed. In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I always
give my fellow Realtors the respect that I would like to have from them and if
I could ever help an agent get the sale through, I am happy to do so. The more
sales and the higher the prices go, the better we all our in the business.
The last word I will say on this is that we all need to work
together in our business of Real Estate. I understand that it is a very
competitive business and that is fine, but when we have an opportunity to help
another Realtor, we should do so. In my career in this business, I have done my
best to help many Realtors in many ways. I have given my time to Realtors who
needed me to talk to their clients as a General contractor, or I have given my
time to new Realtors who needed some advice. I have done this because it is the
responsibility of all of us to help each other while also keeping in mind that
we are competing against each other.
When times get tough in our business, the cut throat
behavior of many in our business can sour the stomach of even the most seasoned
Realtor, but I have found many Realtors to be very helpful through the years
and am happy to know them. Remember we all will need help at one time or
another from a fellow Realtor so why not be available to help when we get the
chance, even when we have no Idea who we may be helping.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County