A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Times do change
I needed a battery that was very small and I went to Home
Depot and they gave me a battery that looked like the one I needed, so I bought
it and it was too big, so I went to Walmart and again I bought a battery that
looked the same, but again, it was not the right size. I did not want to buy
more batteries that did not fit, so I was going to give up. I was driving
yesterday and I saw a Radio Shack, now I have not been in a Radio Shack for
years, so I stopped in and they had the correct battery. I was pleasantly
surprised. It was expensive, but it was the correct one.
The funny thing was that I had never even thought of looking
to go into a Radio Shack since I was a kid and this Radio Shack was also a Sprint
store. Why did Radio Shack fall off the radar with so many of us?
Did they not
do what they had to do to be relevant or did they become so niche that most of
us just had no use for them. The battery I needed was one that I will probably never
need again, so will I ever need Radio Shack again. I would like to say that I will
go and use Radio Shack again, but that would not be a true statement, I may go
in if I ever need something I can’t get anywhere else, but Radio Shack is just
not on my radar.
In my Business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I
always fear of not being on people’s radar. As a Real Estate Broker, I
understand the importance of making sure that people keep me in mind, if they
don’t, I will also fall prey to fate as Radio Shack. When I was younger, we all
used Radio Shack and they were on all our radars, so why did they lose the game
of marketing, or did we all just out grow Radio Shack?
I don’t know the answer to these questions, but I do know
that staying relevant is not easy for a business and It really makes me respect
those businesses that are able to keep our attention year after year.
I don’t know if Radio Shack will be around for much longer,
but it is a good lessen to all of us in business that we need to constantly
grow and keep our names in the public.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County