A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Doors are fascinating
I love great doors and when I see a unique entry door I am
impressed. I have let it be known in the past that I love Dutch doors and that
comes from my enjoyment of leaning on things. I am not a sitter, but a leaner.
I always find something to lean on and a Dutch door allows me to lean.
There are
so many unique doors that a home owner can be very creative in their home.
There are some things to consider when deciding what type of
doors you want for your home. Maintenance is one big thing to keep in mind. I
love French doors, especially the French door with one large door in the center
and two smaller wing doors on the side with screens to allow you to let air in.
I would never have a French door with window grids, much too hard to maintain.
Painting is a nightmare, but also the grids can come loose and need to be
replaced. Why do that, especially when a clear window is much more appealing
and lets your view be enjoyed without having grids in the way.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I never
recommend putting unique doors in a rental property due to the fact that
Tenants don’t always appreciate the money that was put into these doors. When
it comes to rental property, be simple. Put good quality sliding patio doors
that will not cost a fortune, but will last. Interior doors should be easy to
paint and not have ginger bread all over them.
The entry door of a rental property should look great, but
not be very complicated to maintain. You never want to count on a Tenant to be
adept at door maintenance and the last thing you want is to always drive by your
rental property and get sick that your entry door that you chose to make your property
look great but is now not being
maintained. Don’t put yourself through that. Put a good looking door that is
not hard to maintain and you will be much happier.
Doors can be a great source of pride and you should take
your time in deciding what type of door to buy for your home. Don’t be dissuaded
by others telling you what to do. Look at a door as an extension of your
personality, just as a Dutch door is for me.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County