A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Time for renewal
It is time for me to go through the 45 hour Real Estate
license renewal process, now I am no different than any Realtor and I really
dislike this process. I not only have to go through the process of reading a
great deal of material that rarely changes from 4 years ago and take several
exams, but in the end it also is going to cost me $300 and that is what this
process is really about.
I am a General Contractor and I do have to also pay a
License fee every two years, but they don’t put me through any type of process
and exams to keep my license. I just pay my fee and that’s it. I would not mind
reading material if it was new and I learned something new, but that is not the
case, I will read all the material and take the exams and I will be in the same
place I was before the process started. I am always interested in learning new
things and I actually look forward to reading Ideas that can help me in my
business, but I guess the Board of Realtors just thinks that going over the
same territory every four years is necessary to be a good Real Estate Broker.
As I go through this process, I will be writing about what I
am reading and it may be interesting to some of you who have never read any of the
Real Estate rules and regulations what we as Realtors and Brokers must abide by.
I am sure that some of you will be surprised at what we are not allowed to say
or do, so not to offend anyone. In all my years of being in Real Estate, and in
my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I have never had a client be
offended by my actions or the way I do my business, but in the next couple of
weeks I will be reading on how not to offend them better.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County