A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Changing bad habits can be simple
We all have bad habits and changing those habits may seem to
be impossible, but really all it takes is time and you can turn a bad habit
into a good habit. I work out every night and every night I try and talk myself
out of working out. There are times when I am able to talk myself out of it and
if I miss a couple of days, sometimes it turns into weeks. After I stop working
out for a while, I create a bad habit of being comfortable with not getting up
and working out. In fact I actually convince myself that it is good for my body
to take time off from working out. After a while I feel awful and I understand
that I have to get back to the workout, but changing the bad habit of being
lazy is not easy.
I have a plan that works every time and it takes me 2 weeks
to get back in the swing of things once I get started. What I do is start very
slowly. I know that I want to work out, but getting back is painful, so my
first day back is a 20 minuit workout. 10 minute on weight and 10 minute on
cardio. Then the next day I push it 5 minutes more and so on, and by the end of
two weeks I have worked my way back into the good habit of a full workout. I
really trick myself back and the slow start is not so hard and as my workout
increases I feel better and my body almost automatically pushes itself back to
where I was before I stopped the workout program.
This method can be used for almost any bad habit, 2 weeks
may work for some habits, but others may take longer. In my business of
Property Management in Orange County California, I have Tenants who have a very
bad habit of not paying their rent on time and I tell them about my method of
changing their bad habit. Some do try, but not paying your rent and getting
used to paying a late fee is very hard to change. The late fee actually becomes
part of the rent expense for some. I try and tell them that they need to think
about paying their rent on time as an increase in their monthly income. If they
pay $100 in late fees every month, than if they pay the rent on time, they are making an
extra $100 a month. I found that if a Tenant is paying their rent late, they
are paying all of their expenses late and also paying a late fee for those expenses
also. I tell those Tenants that if they start paying all their expenses on time
the money that will remain in their pocket every month may be substantial.
I admit that I have had no success in getting a late payer
to completely change their ways. They may have one or two months of good
behavior, but then back to their late ways. Maybe someday, my method of
changing a bad habit will work for a late paying Tenant, but I will continue to
spread the importance being a good paying Tenant and also keep sharing my
method of changing a bad habit. I know I will have a success, someday.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County