A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Be careful what you put on your walls
Sometimes we get Ideas when we change the look of our homes
that may look great in a magazine, but when we put them into our own homes they
don’t look so great.
I am a huge proponent of coming up with new and innovative
ideas when you change the look of your home, but make sure that the changes you
make, especially to your walls can be easily removed or painted over.
I fixate on the walls, because that is where most people get
into trouble.
A textured wall or faux painting technique, look interesting but
can grow tiresome if you have to look at it every day. Putting tile on the wall
is a very bad idea; tile is very difficult to remove and should be kept on the
floor. Wall paper is also a very bad Idea, especially in the kitchen and bath.
Putting things on the wall that will be difficult to clean will become very
frustrating and eventually lead to an expensive removal.
I am a huge supporter of paint on the walls. It can be
changed very easily and cheaply. You can go crazy working with different colors
and all it will take is some elbow grease and time to change it. I really don’t
like painting, but I do change the look of rooms, especially bathrooms all the
time. Paint cleans the look and in different seasons of the year it is fun to
try and match the room with the season.
When you paint a room, it can make you feel like you are in
a brand new home and for a few weeks it is fun to be in the new look room. I don’t
change the large rooms in the home very often, but you can do it and again it
is cheap and fun once the paint is on the wall.
In my business of property management in Orange County
California, I tell my clients to never go too crazy with paint colors, but if
Tenants want to change the paint color, they need to know that when it is time
to move out, they need to restore the paint to the original color or they will
have a deduction out of their deposit.
New ideas are great when it comes to decorating and never
worry about what other people think, but understand, you will get tire of the
look and you don’t want to be held hostage by a bad idea.
A.D. Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County