A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Independence Day
The history of this Great Country is fascinating and
unfortunately instead of studying what made this country great, we seem to want
to wash away the sins and all that came along with it.
There is no Country that has ever come so far so fast and
now is the most powerful Country in the world and has been since World War Two.
Economically and militarily the entire World looks to the United States for
Leadership. Europe even tried to compete, creating the Euro Zone and as we see
in Greece, the Euro Zone will never compete because what made the United States
Great is that we have 50 individual States that are one Country. We speak the
same language, we elect the same President and all the States have
representation to plead their independent case. Each State has their own way of
Life and makes their own rules, but also must follow the rules set down by the
At 239 years the history of the United States is fascinating
starting from the Declaration of Independence through the Revolutionary War,
The Battle of 1812 that lead to the writing of the poem that is known as the
Star Spangled Banner. Then we fought
each other in the Civil War that killed thousands of Americans and ended slavery the biggest scar on the United States and it took a
President Lincoln to hold the Country together, understanding that the North
and South had to make peace with what had just taken place or the Country would
not survive.
The years following the Civil War were difficult, but the Country
continued to grow and the growth to the west was an amazing period of American
History. The Industrial Revolution, World War One, the Depression, then Came
World War Two and the start of American dominance in the world. The American
help in rebuilding Europe and the spread of American Military policing the
world, Then the Korean War, Martin Luther King and the Civil unrest of the
sixties, the Vietnam War and the resignation of a President, to Gulf War one the
destruction of the twin towers and the Murder of over 3000 Americans by
terrorism and Gulf War two, To the First black President and the ongoing fight
Against Islamic Terrorism.
Today, we celebrate and through all the trials and
tribulations and growing pains, this country owes a debt of gratitude to the
founders of this great nation. Without their courage and dream of an
Independent America and their brilliance in constructing a constitution that is
challenged over and over, but still today is the founding principal that keeps
this Country together. The United States remains the beacon of the World and
with God’s help will continue for the ages.
Happy Birthday United States of America!
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County