A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
The Rental decision
It is not always easy, when it comes to making the decision
in choosing a new Tenant for your rental property and all Landlords and
Property Managers lose sleep over these decisions.
I received a call yesterday from a Landlord regarding a past
Tenant. The Landlord was weighing the facts and trying to decide whether to
rent the property to them. When I get these calls, I am always honest, because
when I make these calls, I appreciate honesty from the other side of the call.
These Tenants the call was about were good but not great
Tenants, I did have to chase them for the rent a few times and they left the
place dirty, but no damage when they left. I had an issue when their deposit
was charged for clean up and some repairs. I told the Landlord that if It was
not for the last incident about the deposit, (The Tenant was very upset and
used very abusive language) I would rent to them again.
Some rental decisions are easy, but most are not and
sometimes it takes a few months to really find out if you made the right call
or not. As a Property Manager, Most of my clients allow me to make the call,
but some want the final word and many times I find that the Landlord does not
understand what is the best way to evaluate Tenants. They often only want to go
by the credit report, not realizing that some of the best Tenants have had
trouble with credit in their lives. The credit report is one part of the screening
process, but if you only go by a score, you are losing out on some great Tenants.
I do use the credit report and take it very seriously, but I
really like the employment situation and rental history or maybe these
potential Tenants were home owners and are renting for the first time.
pay their cars payment and their rent, first and not always in the order they
should. I have known people who make good money, but are always late on their
credit cards, but pay their rent always on time.
In my business of Property Management in Orange County
California, Screening Tenants is a process and experience is very important for
a Property Manager and a Landlord and sometimes the decision comes down to, how
the Landlord can tolerate a vacant property. If the Landlord is in good financial
shape they can be much choosier when evaluating Tenants, but if the Landlord
lives from rent check to rent check, then you need to lower your standards as
far as your criteria.
The most important thing is make sure a potential Tenant has
not been evicted in the past. If a Tenant has let a situation get to eviction,
then you need to stay away from that situation as a Landlord or Property
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County