A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Why neighborhoods dislike the part time rentals
As our society becomes more and more of a disposable
society, nothing seems to have any staying power. Years ago we used to hear
that people had roots in a location, which meant that they have been around a
long time, but now neighborhoods are becoming more and more like the common
area of a large hotel; people are staying for a very short time.
This is not
good for the stability of neighborhoods and people who live in these areas are
concerned about their family’s safety, the noise and parking problems and the
overall damage that is done to the values of properties.
The problem is trying to balance the stability of neighborhoods
and the property rights of home owners to do what they want with their homes.
Many people, who are renting their homes for short periods, do so because they
are making more money than if they were to rent it out for a year at a time. This
type of renting has long been accepted in many Beach and Mountain areas, but
now it is creeping into area’s that do not have the attractions that
vacationers would normally seek.
For example, if your family was going to take a trip to
Disneyland for a week, you would in the past stay at one of the hotels close to
the park, but now it is becoming more and more popular to rent a home in a
residential neighborhood for a week and some of these homes are a mile or more
away from the park.
In my Business of Property Management in Orange County
California, we do not do any short term rentals and I understand People, who
own and live in these neighborhoods, don’t like rentals in their neighborhoods
and they really dislike the short term rentals. What is happening is that
investors are buying multiple homes in some areas and turning these
neighborhoods into hotels.
Should cities ban this practice? Some are trying, but will
that type of ban hold up in court. Only time will tell, but so far many cities
are trying to profit from this type of rental by requiring a short term rental permit,
and that makes the long term residents very angry and many are showing up at
city council meetings to show their anger.
In the long run, it looks like the short term rental is here
to stay.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County