A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Never listen to excuses
In my business of Property Management in Orange County
California, I have learned to never listen to excuses from Tenants and I let
them know that from the start. There is a difference though, between excuses and situations
and sometimes the distinction can be difficult to separate.
I am always amused when I get an excuse from a Tenant that
is so obvious and so silly that I have a hard time understanding why they even
try to convince me. My answer is always the same, “how many times do you think
I have heard that excuse”. To me at least try and come up with something unique
and maybe I will be so impressed with their creativity that I will be more
sympathetic to their plight.
Now situations are a much different story and I tell my
Tenants all the time, to let me know as soon as possible that a problem is on
the horizon. Problems happen, but I don’t want to hear about a problem right
before the rent is due and unfortunately that seems to be the time when I hear
about a problem for the first time. I can be very helpful if I have time to
come up with an alternative, but if I am confronted with a problem and am left
with no time to fix it, sometimes my hands are tied and the Tenant is going to
be disappointed by my response.
It seems like human nature, to try and wait until the last
minute in the hope that a miracle will happen and the problem that we are dealing
with at the time will somehow just go away, but the reality is that problems
for the most part can only be solved if they are confronted and the best time
to confront a problem is as soon as the problem is brought to the surface.
Now I am not saying that it is never the case that a problem
can catch people by surprise and I will not hear about a problem until the last
minute. In those cases whether I accept their explanation or not will depend
on their past behavior.
Most Tenants have few problems when it comes to paying
the rent and it always seems to be the same people month after month that call
me when the rent is due with the excuses.
The most important thing for Tenants to remember, call your
Landlord or Property Manager as soon as possible when a problem is going to
hinder the Tenant being able to pay the rent on time. Allow the Landlord or
Property Manager to help you, most of the time they will.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County