A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Easy image fix for NFL
The NFL in recent years has been hit hard by terrible PR as to
how they deal with their past players who have developed health problems due to
years of playing Football. Many of these players did not make much money and
the medical problems they have today were never anticipated in the years they
I am a huge Football fan and I remember the game as it was,
a rough game with rugged men who played with broken bodies and blood dripping
from their faces. These men played in pain and many of them suffer greatly with
injuries that are physical and mental.
So many of these players suffer in
obscurity and many have passed without their plight ever being known.
I have a solution that will help these players and be a
great PR move for the NFL. There have been law suits and settlements to help
these players, but still the problems will remain.
I recommend that the NFL build a retirement home for these
ailing players and at this state of the art facility there be rehab and doctors
and physical therapist and everything these players need to help them live a
productive and pain free life. These players, who built the NFL into the game
it is today and who created the ability for the owners of the NFL to make
Billions of dollars, deserve to be treated with dignity and the NFL could and
should give them that dignity.
Think about the image that the NFL is trying to project;
they are looking to change the perception of the players of today. They look at
behavior and they punish with fines and suspensions and the media hold these
players accountable for their actions. But the NFL could do itself a great
service by taking care of the older injured players. With this Retirement
Facility, call it “NFL CITY” these players will not only be cared for, but the
NFL could make it a place that also has a public area for those players and
fans who want to interact with each other.
They could have all kinds of NFL
activities and so many of these players would love to be part of the game again
and many fans would be thrilled to meet these older players that they grew up
I know the players of today would embrace this facility and
the NFL could not only do the right thing for their players who need help, but
also give a boost to their image.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County