A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
How to protect your home, when you are on vacation
Most of us are pretty comfortable when we leave are homes,
that locking the doors and windows will keep the bad people out, but when we
are gone for an extended period of time, we should take more precautions. Now
if you can afford a good alarm company that watches your home while you are
gone, great, but most people do not have that type of security, so we need to
take a few steps to protect our homes.
The first thing and I know it seems simple, but a mistake
many people make is to announce their vacations on social media. Wrong doers
troll the social media sites and look for this type of information, so never
announce your vacations while you are gone. When you come back, then you can
share where you went, but never before or during a vacation.
The next step is to make sure your lights are on a timer and
you keep the home and the outside well lit, if the home looks lived in and the
lights are on, it makes the home less attractive to people looking to break in.
You can also attach a radio to the timer so there is noise in the home.
If you have dogs and you have someone to take care of them,
then leaving the dogs home is also a great deterrent. I would not suggest using
a service that you never used before to take care of the dogs; you should try
and use relatives or friends that you trust.
If you do have
someone you trust, you can have them come to the home and make sure all is
well. They can move the car to make it looks as though there is someone living
there, they can pick up the mail or pick up the newspaper and if you don’t
have someone who can come to the home, then you need to put a hold on the
newspaper and the mail until you come home.
Make sure your yard is maintained while you are gone. If you
have a gardener, keep it going and if you don’t, then you need to have a friend
or relative take care of the yard or you can hire a gardener just for the
period you are gone.
If you have a neighbor you trust, let them know you will be
gone and ask them to keep an eye on the home and look for any unusual activity at
the home.
There are also ways that you can remotely check your home
on your cell phone, without a costly alarm company, I am not going to mention any product because I
have not used any yet and I have read some pros and cons about some of these
products, so you need to check them out yourself and find one you are
comfortable with.
The important thing to remember is that when you are gone,
you want to make your home look as though someone is there. A vacant looking
home is an invitation for people looking to break in.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County