A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Does back to school mean the buying season is over?
When I first entered the Real Estate business, I was told
that if you don’t make your money in the summer, it will be a very bad winter
and Holiday season. But I made my first sale in December and learned that
people buy homes all year long.
Yes, many people start to look for homes in the spring and
want to be moved in and ready for the school year, but not all people look for
homes in the spring and summer, I found that many people look for homes when
the time is right for them and not any man made time table. In fact I often
tell people that they may get the best bargains in the winter.
If a home does not sell during the summer selling season,
there may be some panic on the seller’s side and they may be more open to a
lower offer. If you are patient and are more willing to buy a home that may not
be a perfect fit for you, there may be some bargans out there that were not available a month or two earlier.
Now, while there may be some bargains for buyers, there are some
statistics that say that sellers may want to wait for winter to sell their

Now these numbers make you think that winter is a sellers market, but it just strengthens my thinking that people buy and sell property all year long, and it really just depends on their personal needs when it is the best time for them to enter the market. So my advice to sellers, buyers and Realtors, don't be spooked if you missed the summer buying and selling season. I look at the selling season to be 12 months long.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County