A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
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Common sense: what we can learn from the NFL football
I thought that once the court made the decision yesterday
about the deflated footballs, it would all be over and we would never have to
hear the phrase “Deflate Gate” again. But I was wrong! The NFL commissioner seems
to not understand that he should use common sense and take his loss and go
home. It’s not the first time he has lost in court regarding his punishments
that he has doled out and in this instance he has created not only the
punishment but the fiasco that has gone with it.
I have to wonder about the ability of the NFL commissioner to
understand how silly he looks and why he seems to have no common sense. He is
trying to make the best player in the league look like a cheater and he should
be doing the opposite, he should be backing Tom Brady and making this go away,
but for some reason that I don’t understand he can’t let this go.
Once the
season starts next week, this should all be forgotten. My advice would be for
the commissioner and the NFL to let it go and not to appeal the court’s
We all can learn from the commissioner’s lack of common
sense. All of us have had issues in our lives that we wish we would have
handled differently. Instead of us using the common sense that we were born
with, we let our emotions get the best of us and made the wrong decisions. I
see it all the time, when people are in the process of buying a home, they let
their emotions get in the way of common sense.
Buying a home can be a very emotional event in people’s
lives and they need to handle it with great care. Think of it as if you were
going to the store to shop for food. The last thing you want to do is go to the
store hungry, because you will buy everything in sight. The same goes for
buying a home, you do not want to shop for a home while you are feeling any
kind of pressure or anxiety. You want to shop for a home in a relaxed
atmosphere and just like going into a store; you want to have a list of things
that are important to you.
I remember, I was shopping for a car and I really needed a
new one in a hurry. The dealer actually brought a car to my home and it was
much more then I wanted to spend, but it was really nice and had all the bells
and whistles that I did not need, but I wanted them. I drove with the salesman
to the dealership and started to do the paperwork, when for some reason I
started to get very uncomfortable about buying a car that I did not need and I
walked out. My common sense took over and I ended up buying a car that was much
more to my liking and the price was in my budget.
I was lucky that I did not
get stuck with a big bill and I let my common sense make the right decision not
my emotion.
We all have the ability to use common sense, we just need to
listen to that little voice inside us and do what we know is right, not what
our emotions tell us we want.
The NFL commissioner may want to continue this pursuit of what
he feels is the truth, but if he steps back and listens to his little voice, he
will hear the words, “LET IT GO”.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County