A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Make renters insurance a priority
Many people, who rent, never think about renters insurance
until they are left with a situation that they need help. When a renter’s place
of residence is damaged to a point that they no longer can live there, the
Landlord is only responsible for the amount that is paid for the rent each day.
For example, if the rent is $2000.00 then you take the $2000.00 and divide that
by 30 days and that is the amount that you are owed by the landlord for the
time you are out of the property. $2000.00/30=$67.00 per day. Will that enough
for a motel?
Renters insurance cost about $12 to $30 per month depending
on the coverage. The best place to start looking is who is providing your auto
insurance. From there, if that is not going to work out, there are many insurers
that provide renters insurance.
Many Landlords and property managers require renters
insurance and that helps relieve the pressure when incidents happen. The key is
to make sure the coverage is going to be enough to be of use when you need it.
The worst thing to happen is if you have renters insurance and it is useless
when the time comes and you need help
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County