A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Why do people want free stuff?
We all like to get a good deal and when we think we did a
good job of negotiation we are pleased with ourselves. Things seem to be
changing and it seems that many people want everything for free. We have
watched students walk out of class and say they want their tuition paid for and
free college. I’m sure they want their food for free and a car and someplace to
live all for free.
What has happened to earning something and working hard to
get the things we want?
Yes education is expensive, but you don’t need to go to
the most expensive college and just like in life, you need to make decisions
based on what you can afford. You don’t have a right to other people’s money
and why people think they do is beyond me.
I watched a news clip of one of the protesters being
interviewed and she felt that the so called 1% need to be taxed 90% of their
income. For some reason she feels these people should work for her and she has
a right to their money. Why? And where do people get that attitude? I remember
going to college and I never remember anyone talking about having the right to
someone else’s money. When you are able to go to college you should focus on
learning and getting the skills to make your own money. I think the best line
the interviewer had was when he asked her if her friends when they finally get
a job and earn a good living, how would they feel if they were taxed 90% and
when she said they would be fine with that, he told her that a person would
need to be “high” to be happy with paying 90% taxes.
Where did this attitude come from? My advice to that young
woman and everyone else who worries about other people’s money is stop. Stop
thinking that people owe you anything because you are jealous of how much they
have. Go out and earn what you want and work towards becoming what you want. It
does not have to be a lot of money, but you are responsible for your own
happiness and you need to stop looking towards others to make your life a happy
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County