A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
San Bernardino, a far away community
San Bernardino is an area that no one who lives in Southern
California would think about as a Target for Terrorism, many of us know San Bernardino
as a place that you drive through to get to the Mountains to go skiing, going
to Vegas or Palm Springs or Arizona and many are familiar with Loma Linda
Medical Center because of the story in 1984 when a baboon heart was
transplanted into baby fae. We also know that this is an area that becomes
impossible to get to during afternoon drive time. The traffic on the freeways
can be mind boggling to those who drive it every day for work and then home.
But this is a Southern California Community that is more affordable to buy a
home and that is a major draw to some who live there.
Now San Bernardino is becoming known to the world and unfortunately
for all the wrong reasons, 14 Dead and 17 injured is not what a community wants
to be known for, but the reality is that now this little known Inland Empire
town is the latest victim in the tragic epidemic of worldwide terrorism. It is
still hard for me to get my hands around the question of why this town, but I
guess you could say that about any town at any time and that is the sad truth.
No place is safe when it comes to this type of mindless violence.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County