A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Why you need to get rid of those pop corn ceilings
The first and most important reason to remove those popcorn ceilings is that they are "UGLY".
The second is that when you want to rent or sell the home, the popcorn ceilings will be the first thing people see and they will not give a positive feeling to those interested in the home.
Another reason is that dust gets into the popcorn and painting is the only cleaning option.
If you still have those pop corn ceilings, they need to be
removed. I am amazed when I walk into a home that still has those ceilings and
if you stop and take a picture you will see how dirty many of them look. Yes,
you can paint them, but as the ceilings get older, there is just so much paint
they can hold before the popcorn starts to peel off.
Now there are many ways to remove the pop corn and the
options you have depend on the type of pop corn that was used. If you try and
scrape the popcorn all the way off and the popcorn was sprayed with plaster, it
may be almost impossible to do. What you can do though, scrap as much as possible
and then use All Purpose Mud to texture and you can have a very unique look. I
like that look, it is not smooth but it is unique. You can also have sheets of
drywall put over the popcorn. That is the more expensive way but you can get a
smooth ceiling that way.
If the popcorn on the ceiling is paper based or Styrofoam,
it may come off much easier and with a spray bottle and water you can scrape it
all the way off. Just make sure you cover everything in the room.
Some older ceilings could have asbestos, so that could be a
consideration when you decide to remove the popcorn.
Whatever way you decide to remove your popcorn ceilings,
once they are removed, you will be so happy you did the work. The look will be
much cleaner and will bring the home into the modern era.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County