A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
El Niño ever show up in So Cal?
So far Southern California has had
little rain from the El Niño that has been forecast and people are asking where
did all the rain go. The good news is that Northern California has received
plenty of rain and the Sierra’s has had quite a bit of snow and that is where
So Cal gets most of its water so the El Nino has been good for the drought.
I have heard plenty of reasons why
we are not getting the rain that has been predicted, but I think the real
answer is that trying to predict the weather especially in Southern California
is a losing proposition. I do have on bit of advice though and that is, don’t
put your guard down yet. Remember that when we do get rain here, most of the
time it comes in March and we may still get the effects of the El Nino yet.
The best thing to do is to make
sure you are prepared and if we do get the rain that has been predicted, then
being prepared will pay off and if we don’t, no harm done. I am sure all the
news outlets have been preparing
themselves for the giant mud slides and getting those rain slickers ready for
those poor reporters who get the assignment to have to stand n the rain for the
camera’s. I have always been amazed at the stupidity of having a reporter stand
in the rain. Can’t they report the rain from shelter? We know what rain looks
like, we really don’t need to see a reporter get wet.
I don’t know if we will get much
rain this year, personally I hope we do get some, but if not, at least the
drought is for the most part over, even though the powers to be will never admit
A.D. Cantelmo PropertyManagement Specializes in
Property Management in Orange County Ca