A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Why a Landlord should do a pre-move out inspection
When a Tenant gives notice to move out, or when a Landlord give notice to end a Tenancy, the Tenant has the right to
have what is called an “Initial Inspection”. I like to call it a “Pre move out
inspection”. This inspection gives the Landlord and Tenant the ability to go
over things that the Tenant has to improve in order to get their Security
Deposit back in full. The inspection is for the Tenant, but really, the
Landlord also benefits from the inspection.
"Initial Inspection" good for the Landlord
Many Landlords try to avoid doing an initial inspection,
because it takes time and they know that a couple of weeks later they will have
to inspect the property all over again, but not only is it the right of the
Tenant to have the inspection, the Landlord is missing an opportunity to
understand what they are going to need to do to get the property ready for the
next Tenant.
When a Tenant gives notice, the first thing a Landlord needs
to do is to start preparing to market the property for a new Tenant. The last
thing a Landlord wants is a vacant property for a long period of time. Knowing
what condition the property is in, gives the Landlord an advantage, so they get
in motion any work that is going to be needed once a Tenant moves out.
Understanding Tenant Behavior
Understanding that even though you give the Tenant a list of things that need
to be done before they move, many times a Tenant will take the hit on the
Security Deposit rather than do the repairs themselves. What I have found, is
that as the time gets closer to the move out day, the Tenant runs out of time
and just leaves the property as it was on the day of the pre-inspection.
Don't miss the opportunity
The Landlord is required to let the Tenant know that they
have a right to an initial inspection and they must give that notice a
reasonable time after either the Landlord or Tenant has given notice to
terminate the Tenancy. Once the notice is given, it is up to the Tenant to make
the request for the inspection and many Landlords let it slide if they don’t
hear anything from the Tenant. But as a Property Manager, I can’t require the
inspection, but I strongly advise the Tenant to have the inspection, and I make
sure the Tenant is given every opportunity to get it done. If a Landlord ignores the opportunity to do a pre-move out inspection, they are missing a great opportunity to have an understanding of what condition the property is in and they will lose time when it comes to preparing the property for the next Tenant.

A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County