A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
What Good Tenants really care about?
We talk a lot about how to entice Potential Tenants to rent
properties, but we don’t talk enough about how to keep those good Tenants happy
and keep them in the property. Good Tenants are gold for Property Managers and Landlords and keeping them happy should be a priority. Lets look at some things that good Tenants really care about.
The first thing that good Tenants really want is their
privacy. When renting a single family home, privacy is easier to maintain then
if you are renting an apartment or a multifamily property. Maintaining Tenants
privacy is twofold, the first part is making sure the neighbors whether they
are other Tenants at the property or other properties in the area don’t intrude
on the privacy of the Tenants. It is easier to control other Tenants that you
manage in a building, but you as a Property manager or Landlord also have to be
able to get other property owners whether they live in their property or rent
it out to respect your Tenants.
The next part of the privacy issue is that good Tenants do
not like to be hassled by the Property Manager or Landlord. Making sure the
Tenants are maintaining a property is part of the Job, but constantly bothering
the Tenants and dropping in unannounced is a great way to lose a good Tenant.
Ignoring repair request
Good Tenants do not call unless there is an issue that needs
to be addressed and if you as a Property Manager or Landlord ignore those issues,
then your good Tenant will become disgruntled very quickly. If a good Tenant
calls for a repair, respond to their concerns and get the repair done quickly.
Do not give lip service just to buy time and hope the Tenant lives with the
Being Rude
A good Tenant wants to be treated with respect. If a Tenant
calls, they want the person that they are interacting with to be attentive and
treat them well. There is no difference between your Tenant and a customer of
any other business. If you walk into a store to do business, you expect to be
treated with respect and have your questions answered. The same goes for your
Tenant, they are your customers and you as a Property Manager or Landlord
should treat them with that same respect as any other business.
Being appreciated
Yes, Good Tenants understand that they are good Tenants and
they want to be appreciated for that. As a Property Manager or Landlord, a
simple note of appreciation, or a small gift at holiday time or a birthday will
go a long way in showing your appreciation for those good Tenants. The funny
thing is that if a good tenant feels appreciated they will go out of their way
to remain a good Tenant and stay in the good graces of their Landlord or
Property Manager.
Keeping your good Tenants happy is really not that hard, but
it will go a long way in keeping those Tenants in the property for a long
period of time. All of us in the Property Management business understand how
important it is to have a good Tenant, especially when we compare them to the
not so good Tenants
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County