A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Grass that won't go to the dogs
Many times when my clients are opposed to allowing dogs into
a rental property, it is not because they are worried about the interior of the
property, but the exterior. Grass lovers understand that dogs can destroy a
beautiful grass yard quickly and if you are not a synthetic grass lover, then
the fear is understandable.
How a Lawn is Damaged
Dogs can damage a lawn in more ways than one: they dig, they
chew, they roll and run. Their feces can mar the beautiful green landscape, but
the worst damage comes from dog urine, not feces. Dog urine is high in
nitrogen, good in small amounts, but bad when your dog chooses the same spot
again and again. Like over fertilization, repeated exposure to dog urine can
burn the roots of your grass, creating brown, dead spots.
Here are a few grass types hat can be tough if you are worried about dog damage
Kentucky bluegrass is widely
recognized as one of the best grass types for cool-weather climates. In
temperate coastal areas, this high performing grass will grow actively during
the spring and fall. It spreads by rhizomes and fills in damaged areas, like
urine spots, if allowed time to recover.
Rye Grass
Also suitable for temperate coastal
climates, this grass performs best in cooler temperatures but will withstand
warmer days when well watered. Perennial rye grasses are hardy and withstand
wear and tear well. This aggressive grass grows quickly to recover from urine
damage and paw and claw marks.
Tall Fescue
This relatively new type of grass is
tougher than most lawn grasses, but still fine enough for an attractive
landscape. Although it should be watered during dry seasons in its first year,
this grass is drought tolerant once established and survives poor soils, salty
soils and a range of temperatures from cold to hot.
Information from Home Guides
Cynodon Hybride
2015 Green Thumb Award Winner Cynodon hybrida 'Dog Tuff' ™ ('Dog Tuff'™) is an amazing xeric lawn grass
perfect for high traffic and play areas and has excellent durability in yards
with dogs. Once established it is highly weed resistant, deep rooted and
provides a soft, cushioned feel for bare feet. We recommend using Organic
Plant Magic as a root dip to spur grass plug growth.
Information from High Country Gardens
Of course asking a grass loving Landlord
to switch the grass in the yard to a more durable grass is not realistic, but
at least knowing there are some alternatives can be helpful if you are going to
put in a new grass yard.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County