A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Ignore the noise of Politics
In this time of political campaigns and speeches that mean
nothing to the majority of people, I ignore the noise and can could care less about
what any of these politicians say. All of the people that want to be President
or in Congress will say anything that they think will get those votes and then
if they go off script and say something that may not be politically correct,
they get beat up by the media and are pressed to apologize.
My recommendation to everyone is to ignore the political
class and concentrate on your own success. If you think the American Dream is
gone, stop and read about all the successful people who have started from
nothing and created a great business or product. We get caught up in the
negative news that we hear every day when we turn on the TV and we lose faith
in ourselves and in our ability to succeed.
Do you ever ask yourself why so many immigrants start a
business and become very successful? The reason is that they see what many of
us as native born Americans don’t see. They see opportunity in the United
States of America and they embrace that opportunity and turn it into success.
I do understand as an owner of a small business the road
blocks that get in the way of many, but if you are looking for a politician or
political party to save you, you will be disappointed. I see these politicians giving
speeches and I see crowds around them and I think what kind of person takes
their valuable time to go out and listen to a politician speak? Isn’t their
time better spent doing more productive things? Or are all these people looking
for this politician to better their lives?
STOP, do not think any of these people care about you or
anyone else, they all have their own agenda and you may agree with some or all
of their agenda but in the end whatever they do will have very little affect on
your life. You are the only person who will help you succeed and the only way
to do it is to embrace the American work ethic and use your God given abilities
to do what it takes to be the best you can be.
Success comes in all different
flavors and all of us have our own view of success, but to allow others to
control our success is a big mistake.
In my business of Property Management in Orange County
California, I see opportunities in Real Estate. California is a very tough
place to do business, but as a business person in California you need to push
through the brick walls that Sacramento puts in front of you or you need to
find another State that may work in your favor. I hear the stupidity that comes
out of Sacramento and in my business, I am governed by rules put out by
Sacramento, but as all other California Realtors do, I push through and I don’t
allow the road blocks to stop me.
Remember the Monopoly Game we played as kids, and I have
written about how Monopoly can be a road map to success, in the game you made
decisions based on the rules of the game. You need to think about the rules
that cities and states put on you as the rules of a game. They make the rules but you need to make the
correct decisions based on those rules. Successful people find ways to use the
rules to their advantage. Sometimes the rules can seem unfair, but just as in
the game of monopoly; the person who makes the correct decisions will own the
Property Management in Anaheim Ca.
I am not saying to ignore what is going on around us and
just plow ahead. All of us need to understand and vote for who we think is best
suited to make the rules. But never put your success in the hands of
another. We are in control of our success and we will succeed or fail with the
decisions we make and there is no politician that will change that.
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County