A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Company
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
First week of the New Year brings challenges for Property Managers
We are now coming to the end of the first week of the New
Year and just like every New Year people are scrambling to pay the bills that
always come due at this time. Unfortunately most of us don’t plan very well for
the inevitable expenses. In fact many people put more pressure on themselves by
going out and spending for Christmas gifts that they can’t afford and have yet
to pay for the gifts they bought last year.
The Increase of rent
How does this affect people when it comes to their housing situation?
Many renters will not only have to deal with their extravagant expenditures,
but they may have a rent increase also. May Landlords want to take advantage of
the increasing value of their rental property and raise the rents while the
rental market is still in their favor. Many renter are feeling overwhelmed by
the increases that seem to come each year and some may have a point, but
planning for the increase should be the first expense that renters get ready
for as the new year arrives.
Property Management in Anaheim Ca.
Part of the service that I provide is to try and educate Tenants
about how to navigate their way through the rental issues that come up and part
of those issues is rent increases. I tell them to always assume the rent is
going to go up when the lease expires. I also tell them that the most important
expense they have is to keep a roof over their heads and the heads of their
family and not to let giving gifts in December jeopardize their living situation
in January.
In my Property Management Company I have come to expect
these Tenant issues when it comes to rent increases and the demand it puts on
the renter to come up with the extra expense. For some renters it takes a
lifestyle change to come up with the added expense, but as I tell them, better
to do without an expensive latte every day, than to drink that latte and lose
your home. The Property Management Business is more than just collecting the
rents and taking complaints, it is about keeping the good Tenants happy and
making sure the border line Tenants don’t fall off the cliff. Keeping the
Landlord happy may be the most difficult maneuver of them all.
Don't lose for short term gain
Some Landlords
are single focused on income now, while others are more practical and think
about the long term. Either way, in my business of Property Management in Orange
County Ca. These are the issues I deal with On a Daily basis.
The best thing that I can tell my Tenants is to prepare and
also the best thing that I can tell my clients is to be cautious. Increasing
rents are a reality especially with the market the way it is and for a Landlord
to want to take advantage of the market being in their favor is understandable.
I just don’t want my clients to lose money in the long run by allowing a good
Tenant to get away because of an increase in rent. I remind my clients how
costly it is to their bottom line to when a Tenant moves out. And on the other
hand I remind my Tenants how difficult it is to find a comfortable place to
rent. A balancing act to say the least.

A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Service Specializes in Property Management in Orange
County Ca.