A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management Orange County California
I’m always
looking at different ways to market my Property Management business and I read
and watch quite a few articles and video’s every week. I came across a video
that really caught my eye. It was a “Harvard” professor and he was doing a
study on why people buy “McDonald's” shakes. What he found out was interesting,
but how he approached the study was even more interesting to me.
He started out by
finding out why people buy the shakes. He approached it in a very interesting
way. His approach was to think of the shake as not so much a food item, but
something to be hired. No, that was not a typo; he asked people why they hired
the shake. At first I was also baffled, but as I watched, I understood his
approach. He first stood in a “McDonald's” for 18 hours to see who buy’s the
shakes and he found out that it was mostly men and they usually bought the
shakes in the morning. His next step was to find out why they hired the shakes.
He asked each person who bought a shake why they hired the shake and of course
they were confused until it was explained to them. What he found out was that
most of the people who bought the shakes had one thing in common. They all had
a long and boring drive. So why hire the shake?
You may ask why
this study intrigued me so much and what does it have to do with Property Management.
The study was trying to convey to the marketer to focus not on just marketing
to the person, but the reason they need your product or service. That made a lot of sense to me. So often when
I talk to a prospective client, I focus on selling myself, but after viewing
the video, my first question to a prospective client is why do you want to hire
a Property Management company? Once I find out why, then I understand who I am
talking to and I can now focus on convincing the prospective client how I can
help them fill their need.
Ok, you must be
sitting on the edge of your seat, why do people hire shakes in the morning? The
reason they gave was the shake not only put something in their stomach, but it
lasted a long time while they suffered through their drive. He also found out
that they tried to hire other foods, like a banana, or coffee, but they did not
get fulfilled from those other items like they did with the shakes. The bottom line was that his conclusion was
that if “McDonald's” wanted to increase the sales of shakes, they were not competing
with other companies who make shakes; they were competing with other foods.
The study is more
complicated then I explained it, but as I understand it, finding out why people
hire a company can really focus that company on giving the potential customer
or client what they need a product or service to do for them. If you can find
out why you are being hired, then it will be much easier to make your customer
or client satisfied with what your company provides.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Specializes in Property Management Orange County Ca.