A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management Orange County California
Time to replace those
We put smoke alarms in
every bedroom and make sure that the carbon monoxide detectors are near
bedrooms, but how do we really know they work.

Checking the alarms
every six months is one good way to test the alarms, but is that enough. When
talking to experts, they say that the old replaceable battery alarms are good
for 3-5 years. I called Kidde, a company that makes both smoke and c/o alarms
and they confirmed that. I also asked them about the new, non replaceable
battery 10 year alarms and they said that they will last 5-7 years.
Combo Alarms
Many of the new 10 year
alarms are combo alarms, which means that they will detect smoke and c/o. I
just purchased new 10 year combo alarms for all the properties that I manage
that have old alarms, and they also talk. They tell people to evacuate, so it makes the alarm more urgent. They are also supposed to alert, when
they need to be replaced.
I check alarms every
six months and now with the new combo alarms, batteries are not an issue
anymore. I would say, that if you have the old battery replaceable alarms, it
may be time to replace them. To start, at least put new combo alarms, near
bedrooms and then you can replace all the alarms in the home one at a time.
Remember, you need a smoke alarm in each bedroom, so you might as well put a
combo alarm when it’s time to replace, that way you know you are covered.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Specializes in Property Management Orange County Ca.